There are few questions that are of interest to each and every human being. These questions intrigue us at least once in our lifetimes, many times in general. Even though they hold such importance we still do not know the answers to them, the Why’s, the How’s, what’s. The question here is success. And over a long period of time great minds have tried to give us varying definitions of success and how to obtain it. But no matter what it still is a topic that raises passions and is something that eludes most human beings. So, why do we have this conundrum? Well, this is exactly what author Simon Sinek talks about. He explains that the answer to success is in properly defining “Why” or so to say “Why we do what we do”? What is the reason behind a man getting up every morning to go to work? He emphasizes on this and goes on to add two more questions to this, “How” and “What” to complete a Golden Circle, which is his mantra to success. Sinek in his book describes how leaders and companies should work as a series of circles, which he describes as "The Golden Circle". The first and central circle is "why," surrounded by "how," and the outermost circle is "what." The "what" describes the products or services that the company is selling; in other words, it is what they do. "How" explains how companies get to what they do or how companies achieve their goals, their implementation and "Why" is the vision, purpose, belief which underlies the how and the what. The “Why” is essentially the reason why the company exists and makes those products for us i.e. the motto of the company or “why” is it’s “why we do what we do”. Simon Sinek 's book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, is not the key to success but instead gives us the answers we seek which when implemented may very well lead to success. The idea of success though oft discussed and debated will always
Cited: Sinek, Simon. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Penguin, 2009. Print