One of the most common sports injuries to today’s young athletes When you think of sports injuries you think of things like broken bones, dislocated body parts, blown knees, head injuries. Yes, all of those are injuries that are related to sports, but there not exactly common. There are many types of common sports injuries like Growth Plate injuries, Repetitive motion injuries, and even heat injuries. The most common injury in today’s young athletes is strains and sprains! A sprain is an injury to the ligaments. Ligaments are bands of tough tissue that connects two or more bones together. The most common type of sprain is an ankle sprain. On the other hand a strain is an injury to a muscle or a tendon. A tendon is a tough tissue that connects two or more muscles to a bone. The most common cause of a sprain is when the ligaments are stretched to far. IF you play sports like football, basketball, and maybe if baseball you are at risk of a sprain. As said earlier the most common sprain is the ankle sprain. While doing all that running you could have a miss step and over stretch that ligament and your ankle twists to the side. The most common cause of a strain would be if you pull to far on a muscle or pulling a muscle in one direction while it is contracting in the other direction. You are at risk for getting strains if you play sports like gymnastics (yes gymnastics is a sport), volleyball, basketball, and even football. IF you find yourself or your young athlete with a strain or a sprain the best way to treat it is to use the acronym R.I.CE. R means rest. The first 24 to 48 hours is critical for the injuries healing time. Try not to do any continuous activity. Try to slowly move the injured body part to pain tolerance but don’t over do it. Sometimes a sling, splint, or crutches are needed for the healing process. I mean ice. For the first 24 to 48 hours you need to put ice on the injury. DO NOT KEEP ICE ON THE INJURY FOR NO
One of the most common sports injuries to today’s young athletes When you think of sports injuries you think of things like broken bones, dislocated body parts, blown knees, head injuries. Yes, all of those are injuries that are related to sports, but there not exactly common. There are many types of common sports injuries like Growth Plate injuries, Repetitive motion injuries, and even heat injuries. The most common injury in today’s young athletes is strains and sprains! A sprain is an injury to the ligaments. Ligaments are bands of tough tissue that connects two or more bones together. The most common type of sprain is an ankle sprain. On the other hand a strain is an injury to a muscle or a tendon. A tendon is a tough tissue that connects two or more muscles to a bone. The most common cause of a sprain is when the ligaments are stretched to far. IF you play sports like football, basketball, and maybe if baseball you are at risk of a sprain. As said earlier the most common sprain is the ankle sprain. While doing all that running you could have a miss step and over stretch that ligament and your ankle twists to the side. The most common cause of a strain would be if you pull to far on a muscle or pulling a muscle in one direction while it is contracting in the other direction. You are at risk for getting strains if you play sports like gymnastics (yes gymnastics is a sport), volleyball, basketball, and even football. IF you find yourself or your young athlete with a strain or a sprain the best way to treat it is to use the acronym R.I.CE. R means rest. The first 24 to 48 hours is critical for the injuries healing time. Try not to do any continuous activity. Try to slowly move the injured body part to pain tolerance but don’t over do it. Sometimes a sling, splint, or crutches are needed for the healing process. I mean ice. For the first 24 to 48 hours you need to put ice on the injury. DO NOT KEEP ICE ON THE INJURY FOR NO