Concussion is temporary unconsciousness or confusion and other symptoms caused by a blow on the head. First aid treatment and common treatments that you should seek when you have concussion is to apply a cold compress to the injury to reduce swelling, a bag of frozen vegetables liker peas can be used if wrapped in a towel, you shouldn’t place the ice compress directly on the skin because it is too cold and may burn. The compress should be applied every two to four hours and leave it in place for twenty to the thirty minutes. Paracetamol can be taken to control pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug painkillers such as ibuprofen and aspirin should not be used use as these can sometimes cause bleeding to the …show more content…
Blisters generally heal naturally and don't require medical attention unless they are server or infected. New skin grows beneath the blister and your body gradually uses the fluid in the blister and absorbs it, and the skin on top will dry and peel off naturally. If the blister is really bad then the first aid treatment and common treatments that you should take are to go and see you’re GP, but you should only do this if your blister may be; infected. An infected blister will be filled with yellow or green pus and it can be red and hot and painful. You should go see your GP if the blister keeps coming back. They could be in unusual places, for example in your mouth and on your eye. If they are caused by an allergic reaction burns or scalds and bad sunburn. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics to help it go away. If the blister is very large and you are in a lot of pain then your GP may decide to open the blister under sterile conditions. If the blister is caused by a medical condition, such as impetigo, herpes or chickenpox, your GP can tell you how to treat