As student affairs professionals, we push students to get involved on campus and also host many programs throughout many different fields for students to attend. Research has shown that the more students are involved in educational activities the more likely they are to succeed in getting higher grades, graduating, and personal development more fully as people. (Kuh, Kinzie, Shuh, Whitt, & Associates, 2005) Student engagement is a critical part of student success and student development. As Kuh et al. (2005) note, when institutions, faculty and administrators put in the effort and resources to foster student success through creating student engagement activities, students put much more effort into their studies and activities, achieving their own success. Kuh et al., (2005) did a study to document effective educational practicing based on student …show more content…
They used the educational practice clusters created by the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), which are: academic challenge, active and collaborative learning, student interaction with faculty members, enriching educational experiences, and supportive campus environment