Sudoku is a puzzle game that presented with square grid. Its constructed from various size. Basically it contains 4x4 grids until 100x100 grids. But, the most popular sudoku that have been used by peoples containes 9x9 grids and its known as normal or standard sudoku. According to Sopitan (2008), sudoku’s popularity can be seen by using Google search engine. The results returned by Google search is a reflection of the popularity and pervasiveness of that subject. By using that search engine, the fact has been said by Sopitan are proved. The search of Sudoku returns 80 millions results while the search for famous person in the world, Queen Elizabeth just returns 60 millions results only.
The objective of playing Sudoku is to filling up number 1-9 in each row, column and also 3x3 grids. That numbers will appear once in the each row, column and grid. There must be a unique solution and no repetition are allowed. From the history of Sudoku, its name originated from Japanese word. Sudoku are combination of two words which is “Su” and “Doku”. When translated them to English word, “Su”