This report was commissioned to summarise X career portfolio. It will include the skills he has and skills he needs to acquire in order to match the job specification required to be a Business and Marketing Officer.
The portfolio draws concentration on a variety of skills including:
• Interpersonal skills
• Communication skills
• Self-management skills
• Intellectual skills
His main strengths and weaknesses have been identified so hhe now knows which areas he needs to keep on top of and other areas of improvements from now until he acquires this role.
Title Page 1
Executive Summary 2
Contents Page 3
Report 4 - 7
Appendices 8 - 29 …show more content…
A CV has been compiled according to what the occupation requires and X has then created an action plan of how he will achieve his goals from now till after he finishes his Business and Management course.
The organisation X wants to work in the marketing sector is LOROS as a business and marketing officer during his placement year. LOROS stands for Leicestershire and Rutland Organisation for the Relief of Suffering, This Company is a local hospice based around Leicester and Rutland. LOROS provide care for and support to people from all nationalities and race. They have also created jobs for 100s of people and have helped improve the quality of life for thousands ( The mission of LOROS is to “are inviting people of any kind whether they need help for themselves or whether they need help for others” ( It is the values that the organisation has that keeps its repute up and keeps it as one of the UK’s busiest hospice. At the hospice free care is provided for people who are in dire need of it and help and support is provided to people from all …show more content…
KEY TASKS: o In collaboration with the Head of Education and other key personnel across LOROS, to develop a 3 year education strategy.
o To develop, implement and monitor a marketing strategy, which optimises publicity across a wide arena locally, regionally, nationally and internationally as appropriate.
o To formulate and develop business, marketing and communications plans to support existing and instigate new stakeholder relationships.
o To identify new sources of funding through such initiatives as grant making trusts and other appropriate agencies, making and processing applications as required.
o To produce and disseminate reports as required by grant making trusts, and other agencies as required.
o To prepare written monthly ‘performance against budget’ reports and presenting as required to Head of Education, hospice management and board of