Summary Of The Heart Cadaver
This chapter assesses death, burial, and a person’s soul after they pass away. Roach looks at a beating-heart cadaver, which is defined as being brain dead, but that its tissues and organs are still alive. After four hours pass, the kidneys, heart, and liver would die. Even though she is brain dead, the cadaver looked somewhat lively inside. Roach watches a surgeon dissect the cadaver. After the body dies and is buried, searching for the location of the soul was a controversy between different beliefs. Egyptians, Pythagonies, and Astute considered that the heart was the seat for the soul, while Babylonian believed that the liver was where the soul belonged. Mesopotamian thought both the heart and liver (intellectual for the heart, emotion for
liver) were where you can find the soul. Overall, it is concluded that the soul diffused throughout the body, and that the soul does not have a single resting place in a cadaver.