Prostitution: Should it be legal? Prostitution is known as the oldest profession in the world; however, many states in the U.S. outlaw it. The textbook definition of prostitution is the "the selling of sexual services.” Prostitution has been widespread throughout recorded history and in the United States today, about one in five adult men reports having paid for sex at some time (NORC, 2003:1226). Nevada is the first state in the United States to legalize prostitution. Although the long-term effects of legalized prostitution are uncertain, the short-term effects have been economically beneficial. Now, that we are in a more moderate living and Technology has advanced at all levels in the U.S, what …show more content…
Should Craigslist be held responsible? The experts say that under the federal Communications Decency Act of 1996, the ads are legal and Web site owners are exempt from responsibility for content posted by users. Also, per the President Mr. Buckmaster of Craigslist, he stated that “Craigslist was no different from old-media publications that have long carried sex-oriented ads”. So how are we to hold Craigslist responsible? The sociology professor at George Washington University, Mr. Ronald Weitzer stated “The Internet has allowed people to make contact in a way not possible before.” This is so true and especially when you are the one that is in command of getting these services at the tip of your fingers and in the privacy of your own home, until you are caught by law enforcement for running faulty ads on the website to bring you to what they call …show more content…
I can tell you that I do not condone to the selling of sexual services when it come to any minor of any age. I minor is what states and that’s some that is under the age of 18, I feel that the Law enforcement should be really looking to crack down in those who are responsible for such actions when it comes to a minor. When we are speaking of adults, they why should we have to be punished for the need of getting what our body’s desire in the norm of being what I call Sexual desire or Sexual orientation? Especially, when the Assistant Chief McGuire was quoted as saying “They like to move around, that’s for sure,” meaning the Prostitutes. If this is the case, then I feel they should try using our Tax dollars and focus on the real crimes and those are the ones in the inner cities where we have black on black crime, cops killing American people for improbable causes, and unregistered sex offenders. Not people that are looking to satisfy and pay for a service where their sexual desires are being met, especially when there significant other or spouse can no longer arouse there sexual