Where does SWOT stand for?
SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
What is the SWOT analysis?
The SWOT analysis is a method of assessing a business, its resources, and its environment. Doing an analysis of this type is a good way to better understand a business and its markets, and can also show potential investors that all options open to, or affecting a business at a given time have been thought about thoroughly.
What is the essence of the SWOT analysis?
The essence of the SWOT analysis is to discover what you do well; how you could improve; whether you are making the most of the opportunities around you; and whether there are any changes in your market—such as technological developments, mergers of businesses, or unreliability of suppliers—that may require corresponding changes in your business. This actionlist will introduce you to the ideas behind the SWOT analysis, and give suggestions as to how you might carry out one of your own.
- numerous options in collections and styles, there is something for every person
- affordability, it’s important for people to get something with quality for a good price
- customer services become difficult to maintain for big store space and numerous product lines
- A store that is that big can not offer a personal care like a small boutique opportunities - association with celebrities - creating fame and attchment to brand, like the commercial with Beyonce on television. I think you all have seen it.
- Website management- producing and selling the products by website, customers shopping by internet without visiting the store, also it can shipping to USA and Europe. threats - Competition from other high street retailers like ZARA, River Island, Berschka.
- Negative impact on celebrity endorcement campaign - debate on celebrity choice
Specific issue(strategic option):
Fashion and quality at the best price.
The H&M