Wallingford RFC (WRFC)
The analyses has come from the collection of primary research data collected by researchers from Group B, Team Wallingford, it was conducted through a semi structured interview with Club secretary the secretary to the Wallingford Rugby Football Club.
Using qualitative research methods from a structured designed questionnaire that was designed by Club secretary and additional questions that were designed and structured by Group B, Team Wallingford, a team of student researchers from Oxford Brookes University with the objective to obtain data which could be used to better the future of the Wallingford RFC as part of the preplanning phase for the 2015 Rugby World Cup to be held in England.
In addition other quantitative methods from structured questionnaires surveys, designed by other members of the research group were used. Further to these methods existing literature from some secondary research sources was also used i.e. club websites etc. From this data I have managed to put together this SWOT analyses. My evaluation findings and conclusion will be made in the following report.
History - Wallingford RFC is a well-established club founded in 1967, thus being a recognized name brand in itself attracting players on its reputation. “WRC is the best rugby club in the 10-15 mile radius of Oxford” according to Club secretary (Ref, A1), indicating the strength of the club brand identifies what lengths players will travel to play for the club i.e. travel 20 minutes to play rather than go to a club closer to them identified in appendix 1 (Ref, C1). Q1 appendix 2 (Ref, H1) identifies the strength of loyalty toward the club by the length of time spent as a club member and as part of the community. Do it for the club” is the motto of WRC. Through increased memberships and thereafter the income from their revenues the higher the membership the more financial stability holding for the club (Ref, L1).
Tag Rugby -
References: Meenaghan, T. Shipley, D. (1999). Media effect in commercial sponsorship. European Journal of Marketing. 33 (3/4), pp.328-348. Smith, P.R. Zook, Ze. (2011). Websites and Social Media. In: Smith, P.R. Zook, Ze. Marketing Communications Integrating offline and online with social media. 5th ed. London: Kogan Page. pp.447. Wallingford com. (2013). Home page. Available: http://www.wallingfordrugbyclub.com/. Last accessed 18 November 2013.