Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people's positive behaviour.
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School aim to create an environment which encourages and reinforces good behaviour and positive attitudes, and this is done through promoting the school
'Behaviour Policy'. Our school maintains a consistent approach to behaviour at all times and by all members of the school community.
Aims of the behaviour policy: To promote a positive ethos in the school through encouraging a shared understanding of the values which underpin our school ethos To create a consistent environment that expects, encourages and recognises good behaviour and one in which everyone feels happy and safe To help pupils develop self-respect, self-control and accountability for their own behaviour To further promote self-esteem through success, positive relationships and awareness of how our behaviour impacts on ourself and others To encourage the partnership between home and school. Our school is is an inclusive school and aims for every member of the school community to feel valued and respected. Therefore, the behaviour policy is designed to encourage the way in which all members, pupils, staff, parents and governors and work together in a mutually supportive way. Our behaviour policy focuses on positive behaviour management, promoted and supported in the following ways:
A carefully planned curriculum Effective classroom management Adult role-modelling Whole school behaviour management plan Playtime and lunchtime provision Personalised programmes/ support from outside agencies The staff have responsibilities in the school to ensure positive behaviour is promoted and these are as follows:
To role model good behaviour and positive relationships To create a positive climate with realistic expectations To emphasise the importance of values and being valued