Name: Everton Thomas
Case School: Homestead Primary School
Region: 6
Challenge(s) being experienced:
➢ I am experiencing a challenge in making information available upon request and developing an excellent system of accountability ➢ I have a challenge in devoting adequate time to effectively monitor teaching and learning ➢ I am experiencing a challenge in getting some members of the academic teaching staff to take responsibility their jobs. ➢ I am experiencing a challenge in getting some stakeholders to change their perception of the school and its ability to succeed.
Module(s) in which competencies are being developed:
Financial Management Human Resource Management
Improving Boys’ Education Preparation for the New School Year
Quality Educational Leadership Roles and Responsibilities of the Principal
School Planning & Data Management Towards a Service Oriented School
Goal(s): 1. To develop the proper system in data management. 2. To develop a system that will permit the principal to better organize time and priority so as to dedicate more time to the monitoring of instructional delivery and to be more evident in the teaching and learning process. 3. To increase and promote an awareness among the academic staff in relation to the importance of their roles and commitment to our school. 4. To take steps and approaches to rebrand the institution thus promoting a culture of excellence particularly in the area of attendance and punctuality, while seeking to boost community involvement and participation.
S.M.A.R.T. Objectives: 1. To utilize effective methodology to account for the data management in the school 2. To develop proper time management in a typical school day through the use of established principles 3. To revise job descriptions of academic staff in order to increase