blow-up and on any issues you may have with your team. You make sure that your team has a back-up supervisor when you are absent and you inform me of any critical or difficult cases that your team may have.
Diane you attended and participated in all required meetings and trainings, including Security Mentor trainings and the Bi-Annual Skills Assessment Survey. You also participated in the SLUMS training that was presented to Region 3 in September of 2016. You also completed 12 additional training during this rating period to enhance your professional development. You have done an excellent job at proving that you can perform you essential job duties as well complete required and additional trainings.
Diane you have a very stable team and you have not had to initiate and disciplinary actions. Having a stable team has been a plus for you as you are able to ensure that your team is all on the same page and everyone is aware of what it takes to complete their reports timely, add documentation to Case Compass timely and produce accurate and quality work.
Diane you volunteered to sit on the CIT committee that meets quarterly to discuss how our agency, the police department, hospitals and DMH can effectively assist our clients with mental health needs.
You also accepted a speaking engagement this year at The Special School District in St. Louis, this gave you an opportunity to discuss mandatory reporting and provide information about the services we offer.
The only area of improvement I would like to is your participation along with the other APCS in Quality Improvement Projects.
Diane your dependability is consistent and there were no changes from last year. You continue to have excellent attendance and you very seldom take off, which cause you to go into use it or lose it status every year. You arrive at work at least 30 min to an hour before your start time and you normally stay at least 30 min after your stop time. You always submit your DELTA on time and I never have to send you reminders about approving your team’s DELTA.
Diane you work well independently and you seek directions or clarification when needed. You continue to exhibit good work habits and time management skills. Diane you make sure your Outlook Calendar is updated with approved leave, needed actions, group meetings, and monthly conference and field visits with …show more content…
Diane there are several local reports that I require that all supervisors send to me on a monthly base.
You have a 100% success rate when sending in your reports.
Local Reports:
Bi-weekly due dates: Bi-weekly reports were no longer required starting in November 2016. In December of 2016 you were required to send a monthly pending and past due hotlines status update to me. This update required you to provide me with the following information: the reason why a hotline was overdue, the last action taken on the hotline and the expected completion date of the hotline. Diane you submitted the above reports on the required dates and when you knew you would be out or a report will be late you would email me with your expected completion date.
Monthly Conferences with APCWs: Due on the 15th of the following month- You have submitted all of your monthly conference to me timely.
Agenda and Group Meetings: Due on the 15th of the following month-- You have submitted all of your group’s agendas and minutes to
Diane you continue to grow in Performance Planning and Documentation. Your monthly conferences are detailed and you provide feedback to your staff which consists of positive feedback and instructions on what is needed to close a report or continue the investigation. You also inform your workers if they are meeting expectations or not and it they care not meeting expectation you provide with information regarding that specific area of improvement. As shown below you in the number of field visits you completed you are directly observing and monitoring your workers interactions by accompanying them in the field and conduction quality assurance calls. You email me and document your field visits on your Outlook Calendar as evidence of you completing this requirement.
Field Visits since Jan. 2016
Diane for this rating period you completed a total of 34 field and/or AP interviews with your staff.
You presented your staff with their 2016 objectives and you completed your six required visits per worker per year during this rating period. You also presented your workers with the 2015 performance appraisals. You did have a couple of workers who submit the response form to the Director of our Division as they did not agree with the scores they were given. The Director response was that the workers were scored appropriately