
Teens Should Start Later Essay

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Teens Should Start Later Essay
Every year, adolescents are resigned to another year of fighting against their biological clock and are unable to get to class on time. The teen later gets up, the better off he is at school. This is the conclusion reached by several investigations in different parts of the world, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom, and based on this evidence the US Academy of Pediatrics. It has just recommended that all schools in that country have students between 10 and 18 years of age to delay the entry time until 08.30 a.m. or later. The latest research on the subject, conducted by the University of Minnesota, highlights the benefits of changing the schedule, after research in US. Which spanned eight schools and gathered data from more than 9,000 students. This study found that teens who enter school later report higher grades, doing better on tests. They also showed evidence of less depression and use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. But in addition, the research noted that there are fewer car accidents involving teenagers, because teenagers are usually more alert.

Experts point out that adolescents have a different sleep cycle than adults and children under the age of ten. That's why when teenagers are at school before eight in the morning their brains have not yet awakened and it's not unusual for them
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Russell Foster of the University of Oxford, who participated in a pilot on the matter, says that starting at 10 o'clock in the morning would be even more advisable. The pilot, conducted at the Monkseaton school and which included 800 students between the ages of 13 and 19, showed that starting at 10:00 a.m. has a significant impact on school performance. "Any schedule is better than eight in the morning. Starting at 08:30 will make a difference, but starting at 10:00 would still be a lot better," Russell told the British magazine New Scientist when asked about the American's recommendation Academy of

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