To begin with, teens have a greater chance of illnesses and anxiety. Teens can have a lot of school work and have after school activities. This can lead up to staying up late so they can finish a project or homework that is due the next day. They can feel rushed and worried and can not do good on their homework. Too much anxiety could lead up to being sick. Since that they stay up late to do their homework, they won't get enough sleep. This can also lead to illnesses. Illnesses can prevent them from going to school. …show more content…
Furthermore, in the article Should School Start Later, the author states that teens need at least eight and a half hours of sleep.(20) Many teens get exhausted because they have to wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
Teens need have more rest so they can feel energetic the next day. They would feel refreshed and ready to go. This could be hard to do because of homework, after school-jobs, extracurricular activities keeps teen up late.(20) They would need to keep a good schedule. This can teach teens to be organized and would have a better time sleeping at
Lastly, in the article Should School Start Later, the author states that well rested kids get better grades.(1) Kids that get enough sleep are refreshed in the morning. Their brains get more rest and will think better. They will perform better in school and on test. Kids who stay up late will be tired and will just want to sleep and would not be focus on the activity. Therefore, they won't do as good as if they had enough sleep. Heather Macintosh say, "Well-rested kids learn better."(20-21). In the article, it's says that middle schoolers grades rose in math and reading because the school open at 8:00 or later.(20) Heather Macintosh says, "They’re happier, they get better grades, and their bodies are healthier."
In conclusion, school should not open early in the morning. The bad and good result for schools that open early or late in the morning such as, teens have a greater chance of having anxiety and illnesses. Teens need at least 8.5 hours of sleep, and test scores are better. These good reasons is good for their education. Kids might not realize it, but sleep is essential for there health. Although opening early leads to letting students out early in the afternoon, what's the point of playing after school when you don't have the energy to do it. Go out and change your school start times, so everyone can be healthy.