Personal development concerned with the activities of developing one’s personality including talents and potentials, communication skill, self identity, life excellence, personal grooming, self confidence, self esteem, self improvement and personal relations with other. Different kinds of knowledge are required to solve problem, set our objectives and to take necessary actions to develop our skills. So, it is very important for a person to develop his own skills
We must have to consider a lot of research to learn or acquire any kinds of knowledge. It is the general way people can use to learn. The author thinks people can learn in a cyclic pattern. The more we are getting older the more we are acquiring knowledge to develop our skills. (kolb, 1984)
A person has to go through four steps to learn effectively.
These are – 1.Activist 2.Reflector 3. Theorist 4.Pragmatist
In short if you want to develop yourself you have to make sense of what you are learning through self awareness.
Unit-1.2: Personal and key skills: self assessment
Self assessment is a process you need to follow to distinguish with a standard. These things are need to develop to attain self assessment.
It is one of the most important things to evaluate person’s skill. How a person can maintain his academic qualification, punctuality as well as communication skill is very important to manage him. Moreover, a person have to set his objectives and have to take necessary action and finally have to evaluate his performance to manage himself perfectly.
A person should take responsibility for self growth and development. He needs to take part in group work. He needs to take strategic plan to develop his quality and evaluate it with his target objectives. All these things could be done if he could have managed his learning process.