In my role it is important to continually improve my knowledge and practices. In health and social care ways of working and legislation as well as good practice are constantly changing. Therefore it is important to keep up to date with training and also any changes in legislation. This will enable me to deliver the best service possible to the tenants I support and also enables me to keep staff upto date with any changes in the way that we work. It also forms part of The codes of practice for social care workers to keep skills and knowledge up to date.
I believe that I should take responsibility for my own learning and development. I’m always looking for ways to improve my knowledge and aid my development, I do this by looking for training opportunities and requesting from my line manager to attend such courses. By taking responsibility for my own development it allows me to set myself goals that I know I’m able to achieve.
There are sometimes barriers in my personal development due to mainly financial restraints and not enough money in the training budget to enable me to do everything in the time that I would like. Also my role is very hands on so sometimes I have to prioritise which is more important. My personal development or the tenants I support. My tenants will always come first before my own needs.
Also another barrier I have with regard to my personal development is that there are currently no vacancies for me to progress in this region unless the company expands. I’am as always optimistic that this will eventually happen.
To aid my development I have volunteered to organise things such as recruitment days. This has allowed me to take an active lead in recruitment within the organisation. The last recruitment day I held was a great success and we managed to fill the majority of our vacancies. Not only that but some of the staff that were selected are entitled to wage incentives and training