Shamieka Williams
University of Phoenix
The three articles in this review are from Buse (2009), Cudanov, Jasko, and Savoiu (2012) and Liu, Liu, Mills, and Fan (2013). All three of the articles discuss the ever evolving world of human resources and the factors linked to human resources management. Human resources simply does not involve the various amounts of documents that hold an organization together, but also involves the structure of the organization, recruitment, job performance, and restructuring.
Staff Recruitment The author emphasizes the importance of recruiting experienced staff versus non experienced staff because less training requirements and funding will not apply to get the new staff aligned with company standards. The ability for well-developed recruiters to staff organizations with experienced staff will assist training resources in applying skills to newly hired professionals to transition at a quicker rate than less experienced professional. Recruitment is vital to the success or failure of an organization because of the major influence placed on selection process, identifying eligible candidates, and gaining a competitive advantage. Knowledgeable human resources staff has the responsibility for the recruitment process and should always be aware of crucial qualifications and specifications to determine staffing necessities. “Recruitment of human resources also takes into account the analysis of the vacancies and projection of labor, because the basic result of these activities, description and the specifications for the job are essential in the recruitment process of the personnel”(Buse, 2009, p 108). Buse identifies the various positive sources of recruitment social media, newspapers, agencies, and references including internal and external used by human resources staff so the reader is not just focused on traditional methods of recruiting. Negative sources of
References: Buse, Maria. (2009). Staff Recruitment-A Qualitative Aspect of the Human Resource Management. Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics. Retrieved from Cudanov, M., Jasko, O., & Savoiu, G. (2012). Public and Public Utility Enterprises Restructuring Statistical and Quantitative Aid for Ensuring Human Resource Sustainability. Amfiteatru Economic, 14(32), 307-322. Retrieved from Edwards, J. R. (2008). Person-environment fit in organizations: An assessment of theoretical progress. The Academy of Management Annals, 2, 167–230. doi:10.1080/ 19416520802211503 Liu, C., Liu, Y., Mills, M. J., & Fan, J. (2013). Job stressors, job performance, job dedication, and the moderating effect of conscientiousness: A mixed-method approach. International Journal of Stress Management, 20(4), 336-363. Retrieved from