BA 351
The Coaching Process
I chose to write my paper about the video called “The Coaching Process.” This was a great video and gave a lot of important and valuable tips and advice. It explains how coaching is a vital tool to develop staff and ensure the success of the company and its employees. They discuss the differences in training, coaching and mentoring. Training simply teaches a skill, while coaching develops the skill. Mentoring guides a person to make their own, best decisions and choices in the use of those developed skills.
Coaching is the process related specifically to an individual and their job performance. It is important because it helps to improve skills, build morale by presenting opportunities for growth and development, increases sense of community by developing a sense of commitment to other employees and company, and it reduces turnover.
Coaching can be informal, formal or preplanned. Informal coaching typically happens spontaneously and it is very effective when it immediately follows the event or situation. Formal coaching can happen during orientations or department transfers, performance appraisals, or progressive discipline. Coaching can also occur during professional development such as follow-up training or a specific developmental program.
A coach is someone who can communicate effectively, a leader by example, understands the value of guidance, they are positive, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, observant, patient and empowering. A coach must have several different skills in order to coach effectively. The video explains that a coach must be able to communicate instructions, set performance goals, provide feedback, reward improvement, deal with failure, motivate others and appreciate feelings. A coach must also confront difficult situations, respond to requests, follow through, listen for understanding, assess strengths and weaknesses, and build rapport and trust.
The video explains that you can coach as a guide, coach