Chapter 2: The Managerial Functions
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
Summarize the difficulties supervisors face in fulfilling managerial roles.
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Explain why effective supervisors should have a variety of skills.
Define management and discuss how the primary managerial functions are interrelated. Discuss the important characteristics of the supervisor as team leader.
Explain the difference between management and leadership.
Discuss the concept of authority as a requirement of any managerial position. Describe the types of power potentially available to the supervisor.
Explain the need for coordination and cooperation and how these depend on the proper performance of the managerial functions.
to work, her daughter developed a high temperature
visor at a family-owned manufactur-
and seemed very ill. Even though the sitter was willing to
ing company that employs around
take her, she preferred not to. Kelly knew that she
200 people. The company had nor-
needed money to make ends meet and that this was one of the busiest times for the company. Fifteen minutes
Le ar ni ng ™
You are Bob Wolf, production super-
mally promoted from within; you
were the first person hired from outside to such a high
before her scheduled shift, Kelly called the company.
position. When you took over as the prodction supervi-
KELLY: Bob, Molly is not feeling well this morning, and
sor, the company had several problems. Most were due
she’s been up most of the night with a high temp. I’ve
to production inefficiencies. Most employees in place
got to take her to the doctor. I think it might be that new
when you came on board were personal friends of the
strain of flu, and I’m really worried about her. I’ll call you
man you replaced. Approximately 20 percent of these
later in the day and let you know how she’s