Firstly, salary and benefits, which usually are the main attractions in job searching. Air Asia offers their employees relatively high wage, which is approximately 20% higher than their main contender – MAS. Moreover, benefits provided by Air Asia are too good to be true! Benefits include a 5-day work week, life insurance, annual free flight, employee discounts, compassionate leave, etc. On the other hand, MAS offers a lower salary as compared with Air Asia. Furthermore, employees of MAS do not enjoy attractive benefits like what Air Asia has to offer. Evidently, Air Asia has won this aspect hands down.
Secondly, personal development is a key element in our lives, that is to say, life can be rather stagnant and meaningless without personal development. Air Asia caters to their employees need in this aspect by creating an environment that is conducive to personal development and having a series of stratagems that could out-think its opponents. One of the stratagems is that any employee, regardless of background, can request to have a “job-switch” and promotion at any time. With that in mind, you can start working as a ground crew and years later you become a captain! Whereas Air Asia’s arch-rival, MAS, is unconcerned about the employee’s personal development as a key element of life, thus