Background of the Study
The English language is the global lingua franca. In approximately 1762, the Filipinos were introduced to the English language by the British invaders. However, the English language only became significant in the period between 1898 and 1946, when the Philippines was under the United States sovereignty. Since then, the English language remains the country’s official language. On July 14, 1936, the National Language Institute selected Tagalog as the basis of National Language. As time went by, Filipinos started to use both languages at the same time and thus, code switching emerged.
According to (n.d.), “Code switching” is a linguistics term that basically means switching back and forth between two or more languages in the course of a conversation. It can also refer to the ability to switch languages or dialects quickly from one conversation to the next depending on the situation or conversation partner.
In the Philippines, Taglish is a portmanteau of the words "Tagalog" and "English" which refers to the Philippine language Tagalog (or its liberalized official form, Filipino) infused with American English terms. Taglish is perhaps most common in Metro Manila, where its use has become stereotyped. Its influence has nevertheless become great, as it is now arguably a lingua franca in many parts of the country. Another related example of code-switching is Englog, English infused with Tagalog words, a popular type being called Coño/Konyo English.
Undeniably, code-switching allows Filipinos to communicate more clearly by providing a broader list of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and the like. On the other hand, experts have been recently discouraging the mixing of the English and the Filipino language.
The spread of Taglish prevents the Filipino language from replacing English as the language of opportunity since academic English and
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