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STUDENT ID: 21403813
© Awojide Victoria 2011
Factors influencing the influx of West African students in migrating to UK Universities / Colleges for higher education.
This dissertation is to critically analysis the factors influencing the West African student coming to the United Kingdom for studies. Therefore, this research aims to uncover the factors that motivate them into the UK for higher education in her Universities and colleges with the objectives which include; Examine the factors influencing West African Student; analyze the strategies adapted by UK Universities and Colleges to influencing student into Schooling in UK; investigate the role UK government plays in inflow of student into its Universities and Colleges, and to draw definitive conclusion from the findings.
Prior to the independence periods in the West African region, the West Africa students had been trooping into United Kingdom for study; it has also been argued that, International students have been coming to the UK for centuries. In the post war years their number increased slowly and steadily – and then very significantly – but in terms of the ‘UK experience’, each decade had very particular characteristics and features. this is not a surprise putting into consideration the colonial links between the United Kingdom and some African countries, especially West African. But the rate at which the students from the region are trooping into United Kingdom to study has been increasing in the recent years. According to a publication on International student numbers
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