The Film
The movie follows the main character Tommy Johnsson (Danny Dyer) through his years as a member of the Chelsea Headhunters, a group that consist of Chelseas most violent supporters.
Other important persons in the movie is Tommys hooligan friends Rod, Billy, Zeberdee and Raf. They are all unemployed and spend their days smoking, drinking, fighting and doing drugs. Every weekend they got a football match to attend. They follow Chelsea wherever they play, home or away does not matter. After every match they fight the rival teams firm.
And this is pretty much how the movie goes on but sometimes we get to see short clips from a nightmare Tommy have where he is laying on the ground bleeding and a kid looking like a ghost covered in bandages appears. Tommy allways wakes up sweating and with his heart beating loud but the dream allways continues the next night.
Chelsea gets drawn against local rival Millwall in the FA Cup and Tommy know he is going to face a really big and violent fight. But the nightmare he had really scares him and the night before the match he get too see the kids face and sees that the kid is himself. So he starts to think about maybe skipping the fight due to fear that he might die, But his friends force him to tag along to the match and in a violent fight he gets knocked unconscious and nearly dies.
When he wakes up his uncle tries everything to convince him to leave the firm, but just like many english boys and men he feels at home in the firm. He grew up with a father who was a member of the firm and he got all his friends there, so he decides to stay in the firm.
The movie is based on the novell The football factory written by former Chelsea Hooligan John King.
Personal Comments I really like this movie because in my opinion this is the hooligan film who is closest to showing the true life as a football hooligan. All the actors are brittish and the writer and producer