Jerxxxx, Thxxx, Suxxx
August 26, 2013
Ricky xxxxx
There are four primary functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. To compete in a global economy while utilizing the rapid advances in technology, the Socorro Independent School District (SISD) must produce talented students (the organizations product) while embracing a diverse population in an ethical manner to meet the demands of globalizationand rapid advances in technology.
The Four Functions of Management
Our group agreed to assess the Socorro Independent School District (SISD). We chose SISD because the “business” of education has made headlines on all local television stations and the front page of the El Paso Times. Plagued by accusations of corruption and fraud, SISD is in a public relations nightmare. The external environment and organizational culture have been very instrumental in the decision making process of the school district and seemingly out of control as a result of these allegations of fraud. “But the lack of control does not mean that managers can ignore such forces, use them as excuses for poor performance and try to just get by.” (Bateman & Snell, 2011, p.48) Internal and external forces in education are critical to our community and crucial in shaping the minds our future: our youth.
Management is “the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals” (Bateman & Snell, 2011, p.14). The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Controlling that change is the challenge at SISD.
Planning at SISD consists of specifying goals to be achieved and systematically making decisions about how individuals, groups, and schools will pursue them specifically: test scores. Education is a data driven business and funding is dependent upon enrollment and the pressure to get a “passing” grade for each campus. The minority gap created