
The Green Mile Death Penalty Essay

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The Green Mile Death Penalty Essay
No More Death Penalty The death penalty has been around for many years. People have had their arguments whether it should be around or not. A few states have banned the death penalty while in many other states the death penalty is still legal. Capital punishment is a horrible issue that needs to be seen for its cons. Our society needs to open their eyes and visually perceive the harm in the death penalty and should go against it. In the film, The Green Mile, directed by Frank Darabont, I have seen many negative effects the death penalty brings. For example, there are things that can go wrong during an execution and an innocent person can be placed on death row. In the article, The Death Penalty, by David Brock, he gives examples showing …show more content…
I was already against the death penalty but this film made me want others to see the harm in it too. This film was about an elderly man, named Paul Edgecomb telling his friend his experience when he was a prison guard on death row during the Great Depression. Edgecomb was the one in charge of death row and he supervised all the executions. An important thing he shares when he was a guard, is when an enormous African American man, John Coffey, arrives at “The Green Mile”, also known as the death row, because he is convicted of murdering and raping two little blonde girls. Edgecomb begins to questions and has his suspicions if Coffey committed the crime because he sees that he has a good soul. When watching the film you can see that Coffey is scared, sensitive and he doesn’t seem like a violent person. Later on, we learn that Coffey was an innocent man who didn’t commit the crime but he still wanted to be executed. All the guards knew he was innocent, but the execution still continued on and this shows that innocent people can get their life taken away, even if they didn’t commit the crime. Inmates in the real world have been sentenced to death row and were executed for crimes they didn’t commit or they spend years incarcerated for a crime they didn’t commit. The system makes ignorant mistakes, if the death penalty was banned then an innocent person’s life would not be taken

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