
The Importance Of Communication In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The Importance Of Communication In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
No one can deny that relationships take time to form. Communication can be one of the hardest things to accomplish.Everyone has a way to communicate, but teenagers and parents have the most difficult time to be able to trust each other and give each other space. In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet they both have the toughest time communicating with their parents and others they love. One of the most important things in a relationship is trust. Almost all parents want to know everything that's going on even if it has nothing to do with the teen. In “Family dramas” they stated, “why are they so nosey?”Parents need to be able to trust their teens even if they won't tell them what's exactly going on. Teenagers keep secrets just like parents …show more content…
For everyone after a long day everyone wants to go home and relax. In “Family dramas” they said “Soon as you walk through the door after school, your mom is on your case: How was your math test today? Why haven’t you given her that permission slip to sign yet? Are you about to leave your dirty lacrosse uniform in your gym bag?” Parents go into attack mode when teenagers just come home from school or coming home from anywhere. All teenagers need is some space. When the teenager is ready to talk about their day they will go to their parents. Another thing parents flip out about is if their teenager is in their room all day, not talking as much, or not opening up to their parents. In “Family dramas” they said “I'm not doing anything wrong. And if I were it's called a ‘personal’ life for a reason.” Teenagers have personal things that parents don't have to be involved in unless it's putting their child in danger. They have their space and so do their parents when it comes to personal business. As teenagers get older they want to be more independent and there's nothing wrong with that. In girlfriend boyfriend relationships they sometimes need to take breaks and give each other space. In Romeo and Juliet paris states “These times of woe afford no time to woo.Madam, good night. Commend me to your daughter.” This shows how Paris is not pushing Juliet into anything and he's giving her space to do things. In Paris and Juliet's relationship Paris gives Juliet so much space where she can really think about everything and not feel rushed. Everyone needs space to step back and think.No one can live with someone always being on your tail about

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