Nipa Saha
Senior lecturer,
Department of Business Studies
State University of Bangladesh
Subject: Letter of Transmittal for Submitting the Report
Dear Madam,
We are submitting our Term Paper and would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your guidance and supervision in its completion. We completed our Term Paper for Report on the "Marketing plan for chocolate development and promotion ". We have tried our best to organize all the necessary information related to the topic and present relevant facts and figures. The report has its due limitations and conducting the assignment was not without difficulties. Please accept our apology for the same. However, with your guidance, it was completed in the best possible manner.
Your kind appreciation will glorify our endeavor.
Sabrina Islam | UG01-23-10-041 | Farjana Rahaman | UG01-23-10-040 | Sadia Sulatana | UG01-23-10-052 | Fahima Sultana | UG01-23-10-039 | Taslima Akter | UG01-23-10-041 |
One of the most pleasant aspects of writing an acknowledgement is the opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to it. Unfortunately, the list of expression of gratitude- no matter how extensive – is always incomplete and inadequate. This acknowledgement is no exception.
First of all, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to ………………… for giving me opportunity to do research under her profound guidance. Because of her inspiring guidance, motivation, positive criticism, continuous encouragement and untiring supervision this work could be brought to its present shape.
I would like to thank all of them who in one way or the other have helped me.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our Lecturer Nipa Saha for her guidance and those who in one way or the other have helped me.
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