Lesson Plan For Making MASK
Outcome: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make a mask, identify the materials which are used for making a mask.
T:Hi, my dear students How are you today
S:Fine thanks and you
T:I am also fine. Today we will make a mask. So we need some materials to make a mask.(teacher shows pictures of materials one by one). We need a paper plate (showing it and stick on the board). A paper plate (writing it near the picture). And she will do the same thing to the other materials
Colored paper
Yogurt cup
T: We cut with … (showing scissors)
S: Scissors.
Then teacher write “To cut” near the picture of scissors on the board and she will do same thing to the these verbs
To draw
To fold
To color
To stick
To put through
After the vocabulary teaching, the teacher does a matching activity for checking understanding.
T: (Teacher shows the handout) Match the pictures with the right verb. (Teacher matches the scissors picture with right verb of “to cut” by showing). You have 5 minutes to do the activity. You can start.
After the activity, the teacher matches all the pictures with the right verb by showing.
T: Take paper plate, scissors, crayons, glue, string, yogurt cup, rope and colored paper.
T: Everyone prepared the materials for mask?
S: Yeeeesss.
T: Let s start to make our masks. We will make a clown mask.
(Teacher draws the shape of the clown mask on the board.)
T: Firstly, Draw the shape of the mask on the paper plate. You have two minutes.
T: Okay. Everyone has drew?
S: Yeeeess.
T: Secondly, fold the paper in half. (Teacher folds the paper by showing.) Everyone has folded? S: Yeeeess.
T:Ok, then you can cut the holes for eyes and month (Teacher cuts the holes by showing).
Now, cut the ears. (Everybody cuts).
T:Ok, after that you can color your mask with crayons.(Teacher shows and everyone colors)
T: And, cut the ropes to make hair