The setting of Chapter 5 was probably early dawn. The place was inside Kino's brush house.
The protagonist in this chapter is:
- Kino who is a fishermen, and he found the beautiful pearl.
Kino's great pearl.
Other Characters:
The other characters in this chapter are:
1. - Juana is a Kino's wife.
2. -Coyotito who is sting of enemy.
3. - Juan Tomas is a Kino's brother.
4. - Apolina is a Juan Tomas's wife.
Juana tries to steal the Pearl and throw it back in the water, but Kino wakes up and ends up punching her in the face and kicking her while she's down. he leaves without speaking to her. Kino is then assaulted on the beach. The pearl is knocked out of his hand, and through