
The Pitfalls Of The Welfare System

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The Pitfalls Of The Welfare System
Welfare’s Pitfalls Are Creating A Problem in America Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a welfare system that was supportive of all? One that provided assistance to anyone experiencing crisis. The Welfare system is a larger than some realize and is not just something you get if you are poor. Our system has many programs to cover medical, supplemental income, child care, vehicle care, and so on. Although the welfare system certainly beneficial to some, it has its pitfalls. Unfair guidelines for eligibility, inadequate checks and balances, and the lack of incentive are just some to the pitfalls leading to a failure of our system. Welfare’s pitfalls are causing an imbalanced system, which is the biggest problem facing America today. Many of our …show more content…
People have been turned down for supplemental assistance due to making as little as five dollars more than the current guidelines. The effect can be devastating emotionally and financially as not all employers are willing to decrease work hours. The applicant is left having to choose between trying to remain employed and being emotionally spend from the financial stresses of how they will feed their family and pay their bills or becoming reliant on the system. Most Americans do not want to be reliant on the system, but the system is created in such a way, that it encourages …show more content…
Currently our system relies on information provided to them from the applicant. Not all applicants are honest which increases their eligibility. This dishonestly affects over all eligibility requirements as it appears that people are lower income than they are. This dishonesty also effects the guidelines as guidelines are created by the information provided. Another area of concern for the checks and balances is that the welfare system’s do not interface with each other. Our welfare system is larger than many realize; with many spin off programs. Without these systems interfacing, individuals are inadvertently able to receive similar benefits from different programs which is not fair nor cost effective. If a system was put in place that was interfaced between all programs it would be easier for all. There would not be so much red tape to jump through multiple times for subscribers and it would be less clerical work for the case workers. If the systems interfaced, the case workers would have knowledge up front of what supports a subscriber is receiving, which again, would save money in the long run as no one would be able to receive multiple similar

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