In order to conduct business effectively, certain changes need to be made in the organisation's structure. This necessitates the regrouping of jobs, changes in departmental functions, repositioning of jobs and status, grade-wise changes in departmental fbnctions, elevation or lowering job categories and the physical relocation of employees, jobs and departments. Moreover, the expansion of business and the introduction of new products, services, processes and methods of operations, necessitate the creation of new jobs and promotion of employees to positions with greater scope and responsibility. Shifiingof pksonnel is also necessitated by employee-turnover, vacancies created by resignationwand dismissals, and when suitable persons are promoted or transferred to fill the vacant posts. Change in employee status and job is also necessary to satisfy employee aspirations and needs. Such movements of employees within a hotel establishment, is a usual phenomenon reflecting internal mobility. However, in a certain context, transfer is also used as a convenient device to punish and remove an undesirable employee or officer from his or her present post, as other disciplinary actions require lengthy…