E1- Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children’s learning needs.
Case study 1 – Mark - a 2 year old boy
The EYFS states that Mark should be developing at certain level for his age and stage. Marks personal, social and emotional development as a unique child, should be that he is interested in others play and starts to join in. As Marks key person I will support him to become confident in interacting with other children and other adults. It is my role to make sure Mark is developing and learning at the correct rate. Mark has a positive relationship with his mum and dad so as his key person I need to ensure Mark as the opportunity to join in and bond with other children and adults to build positive relationships with more people than his mum and dad. This will help Marks development and confidence as a 2 year old. An Enabling environment for Mark is vital to his development and learning. Mark should have the opportunity to create areas in which children can sit and chat with friends, such as a snug den and cosy spaces as the EYFS states. As Marks key carer I can help to promote this by providing him with the correct equipment and resources to make activities like this possible. Personal, social and emotional development, focusing on self-confidence and self-awareness. The EYFS states that Mark should ‘Gradually able to engage in pretend play with toys (supports child to understand their own thinking may be different from others)’. Page 10 2012. I will support Mark as his key person to gain confidence in himself and interact with peers around him. As Mark’s key person if his needs to be supported in separation from his parents was not met then his care needs while at the play group would not be being met. Mark will be made to feel loved and valued as his parents drop him off at the playcentre. This can be a very difficult for many