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The Scary Night (Creative Writing)

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The Scary Night (Creative Writing)
My body shivered. I started to sweat and bite my nails. I hugged my pillow as close to my body as the water pounded furiously outside. The wind made weird, frightening noises outside while the house inside creaked. I payed close attention to all these noises as I unblinkingly watched the T.V. monitor.

"Maybe this was a bad idea", I said to myself as I dug my nails into my thighs. Maybe it was a bad idea to stay home alone in the middle of the night, as it rained furiously outside while thunder struck the ground every minute. Maybe it was a bad idea to watch "The Ring", the scariest movie ever, while the wind howled like a dog outside.

I paused the movie to get up and make sure the doors were all locked, at least this would make me feel safer. My parents wouldn't' be home for at least a couple of more hours, since they had gone to a far off dinner party I had wished not to attend. Instead, I chose to stay at home by myself at night, watching scary movies, because nothing scares me, I thought. I sat back down to watch the T.V. and began to once watch the movie. As the movie progressed, so did my fright.

Outside, the rain fell harder and harder while the thunder sounded louder and louder. I clutched my pillow closer and closer to my chest while the movie got scarier and scarier. The lady in the movie was alone too, just like me. She was sitting down watching cartoons, I was sitting down watching horror movies. We were both in a big house, all alone. Then "BOOM!" thunder struck.

"BANG!" Something fell upstairs. I jumped out of my seat and stood still listening for something else. Then "BOOM!" thunder struck again, but nothing fell this time. Thinking all was good again, I sat back down.

"RING!" The phone in the movie started ringing. The lady, trembling, answered it, and an unhuman, frightening voice answered the other line. Then "RING!" I sat still. "RING!" That can't be my phone, who would call me at these hours, I thought. "RING!" I sat still, unwillingly to move, unwillingly to believe it was my phone that was ringing. "RING!" I finally got up. I have to answer it, I thought. I got up slowly and just dragged my feet to the phone. "RING!" with my hands trembling from fear, I stumbled to pick up the phone, and it almost fell. I pressed the talk button and opened my mouth, no words came out.

"H-H-H-e-e-ello" I finally muttered, my voice shaking with fear.

"Hi, son." It was my dad. I started to feel real stupid, for being scared/.

"You sound frightened, anything wrong?" My dad asked.

" Na, it's all okay, I've just been watching a scary movie, that's it", I responded.

"Well, you better watch something else, because me and your mom will probably be back pretty late tonight, what with all this rain." Just then, the phone made a beep sound, someone was on the other line. "Say, dad, can you hold on? Someone is calling me on the other line." "Okay, you better answer it, see who it is." I switched the line over and answered.

"Hello", I said, this time more calm. No one answered.

"Hello", I said again, and again no response. "Hello, anyone there?" "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Someone screamed on the other line. I threw the phone down. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" They screamed again. I stood frozen with fear. "BANG!" I heard a crackling sound outside and the house went pitch black. The lights had gone off. The house was as dark as a starless night and the only noise was the pounding of the rain. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, body shaking, full of fear, not knowing what to do next. The phone was lying on the ground as a cockroach walked right by it. The shades were open and I could see a cat walking outside. It came towards the back door.

"Scratch! Scratch!" The cat was at the door scratching, it wanted to get in. Then "knock!" I jumped. This knock came from the other door, the front door. " "Knock!" This was a fist knocking. "Knock!" I fell to the ground

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