The ability to know the seven approaches to studying the human body is amazing, I am really interested in mastering this ability myself for academic reasons and career wise. I hope I can learn this on the fly, and with this report you will be able to follow me on this journey.
I am going to go through and define each of the 7 approaches in my own words. The first is Body planes and body directions. Body planes and directions divide the body into two sections, and the body directions represent movement toward or away from these sections. The second is Body cavities are areas within the body that house the organs of the body. For the third Organizational Approach, Quadrants and regions, the quadrants are 4 different areas right upper quadrant RUQ, left upper quadrants LUQ, right lower quadrant RLQ, and left lower quadrants LLQ. Regions consist of 6 different areas of a specific part of the body. Also Anatomy and physiology are the study of something, anatomy is the study of the relationship between body parts, and physiology is the study of the body as a whole. Then there is Microscopic to macroscopic word "microscopic" describes something that is so small that it can only be seen with the aid of a microscope, macroscopic" refers either to something that can be seen with the naked eye or, something that is large or in scale. The 6th out of seven Body systems are the organs, nerves, tissues circulatory etc. the last is Medical specialties. Medical specialties, are specialists that are doctors who have completed advanced education and clinical training in a specific area of medicine
The human body is so complex with so many different areas, it’s hard for you to try and pin point a specific organ, unless you have a map. With body planes and directions, that’s sort of what you earn, it allows you to remember what organ /muscle is in what are of the body. Same thing with quadrants and regions, the ability to say the heart is in the left upper