A major cause of the War of 1812 was the impressment of American sailors by the British. Impressment is the act of taking men into a navy by force and with or without notice. Both Britain and France did this to try to beat each other in a war at the time. As we did not need land that France had, the United States had more of a reason to declare war on Britain. Along with impressment, Freedom of the Seas was a major complaint against Britain. (Doc 1) As American ships were under seizure of the British Navy, the war was necessary in order to protect America’s maritime rights. (Doc 2) As another solution, the Embargo Act was put into place. This prohibited all American ships from trading in all foreign ports. As this may have hurt some American workers, Britain struggled without our distribution of cotton. Ultimately, the Impressment of Sailors and Violations of the Freedoms of the Seas was a large contributor to the start of the War of 1812.
Another reason behind this was Americas desire for land. Canada was in the sights of the Americans. (Doc 3) Canada was desirable because it was good farmland. As the War Hawks', Democratic-Republican men made their slogan "On to Canada!", it soon became true. This being that the new states added in this land would soon become followers of their party making the Federalist party disappear. With forces outnumbering the British almost 35 to 1, they expected a quick and easy victory, an end to the British.