The word is a fictional mystery thriller scripted by Irving Wallace in 1972. Amid the Roman ruins an Italian archaeologist discovers a new gospel written during the first century by James, the younger brother of Jesus. The gospel reveals the facts about Jesus for the years not mentioned in the Bible and contradict the present ones. Stephen Randall, a public relations executive is hired to promote the Gospel, however, due to various circumstances including a secret society determined to keep the truth hidden, non involvement of the discoverer of the gospel, and the authenticity of the document makes him question the truth. Will he be able to uncover the truth? Read the New York Times bestseller to find out.
The word is a fictional mystery thriller scripted by Irving Wallace in 1972. Amid the Roman ruins an Italian archaeologist discovers a new gospel written during the first century by James, the younger brother of Jesus. The gospel reveals the facts about Jesus for the years not mentioned in the Bible and contradict the present ones. Stephen Randall, a public relations executive is hired to promote the Gospel, however, due to various circumstances including a secret society determined to keep the truth hidden, non involvement of the discoverer of the gospel, and the authenticity of the document makes him question the truth. Will he be able to uncover the truth? Read the New York Times bestseller to find out.