Coffee and snack would be considered as normal good to customers, because as the increase in consumer’s income, they prefer consuming more coffee in coffee shops. Despite the fact that some customers prefer specialty coffee, the majority consumer group for this industry has to preference on lower-margin items. Therefore, Coffee and snack shops can hardly increase their price. Also, they have to offer the promotion to attract significant buyers (the individual customers.) Although the switching cost for customers is low due to numerous beverage products and different coffee shops, customers won’t give up consuming coffee and snacks due to habits and brand
Coffee and snack would be considered as normal good to customers, because as the increase in consumer’s income, they prefer consuming more coffee in coffee shops. Despite the fact that some customers prefer specialty coffee, the majority consumer group for this industry has to preference on lower-margin items. Therefore, Coffee and snack shops can hardly increase their price. Also, they have to offer the promotion to attract significant buyers (the individual customers.) Although the switching cost for customers is low due to numerous beverage products and different coffee shops, customers won’t give up consuming coffee and snacks due to habits and brand