The male child W was observed four times, over the course of two weeks, totaling four hours. He was placed in a classroom designated for 2-year-olds along with about 12 other children, staffed by two full-time teachers, and a part-time teacher. The classroom was a very loud, and over decorated environment. Not only were the walls completely covered with posters and pictures, but there were art projects hanging from the ceiling as well. The classroom was divided into specific areas for play, eating, and story time; however, there was not enough room for the children to freely run around. The children spent time outside on the playground in the backyard that had picnic tables, toy houses, trucks, cars, swings, and many other toys. The 2-year-olds shared their outdoor time with infants that were pushed around in a large stroller. When the children were brought outside there were a total of 4 teachers outside supervising them.
The child W was able to effectively back up the toy car he was driving after becoming stuck. He performed this task multiple times. He also frequently engaged in make-believe play with the other children, such as driving a racecar and motorcycle, sailing in a boat, and cooking in a toy kitchen. Throughout the observation, the child W spent a great amount of time watching the other children play, and learned through his peers what not to do. For example, when another child fell off the top of a table, the child W immediately got down and was never observed standing on top of a table again. The child also showed a wide range of vocabulary throughout the observation. He was able to form simple sentences, such as “Sit down or fall down” when one of his playmates was standing on top of a table, and “No, stop that” when a playmate tried pushing him around in the toy car. The child W also used simple descriptive words like “really really loud,” when a motorcycle passed by and when a plane flew overheard. He made many