Total Quality Management (TQM), is a philosophy that focuses on quality and customer satisfaction. Being an expert in TQM gives numerous opportunities for me to show organizations how to effectively use TQM models. In my present job, I will determine and select a Total Quality method to present to an organization for the incorporation into the strategic planning process. The model will need to be compatible with current organizational strategic plans and increase internal and external customer quality. The chosen method will also benefit the organization financially, effectively, and efficiently while still serving the need of TQM.
TQM Models
There are various models available for an organization to choose from. When there are processes that need to be improved upon, the correct method needs to be used. When choosing the appropriate method the company must know exactly what they want to improve upon, and which steps they need to take. Each model used will need to fit with the organizations mission, vision, goals, and objectives. There are many models available, the following is a list of TQM models and there meanings as explained by Dr. Bob Cook, Quality Assurance Leader:
- Continuous quality improvement (CQI) a never-ending effort to expose and eliminate root causes of problems
- International Organizations for Standards (ISO 9000 & 14,000) a set of international standards on quality management and assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality systems elements to be implemented
- Value chain analysis the systematic use of techniques that identify a required function, establishes a value, and provides the lowest cost estimate for that function.
- Six Sigma a term used to indicate that a process is well controlled, meeting tolerance limits at +/- 3 sigma (or standard deviations) from either side of the centerline in the control chart.
- Lean manufacturing or service a philosophy that focuses on
References: Retrieved January 9, 2008, from Retrieved January 9, 2008, from Retrieved January 10, 2008, from