Training is the formal and systematic modification of behaviors through learning which occurs as a results of education, instruction, development and planed experience
Development is any learning activity, which is directed towards future ,needs rather than present needs and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance. NATURE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT
In simple terms training and development refer to the impacting of specific skills abilities and knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training and development is-it is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his her skills and knowledge
Training and development programs, as was pointed out earlier, help remove performance deficiencies in employees .this is lack particular true when – 1. The deficiency is caused by a lack of ability rather than a lack of motivation to perform, 2. The individuals involved have the aptitude and motivation need to learn to do the job better, and 3. Supervisors and peers are supportive of the desired behaviour.
The aim of training is to help the organization achieve its purpose by adding value to its key resource-the people it employs. The purpose of training is to: 1. To increase productivity and quality 2. To promote versatility and adoptability to new methods 3. To reduce the number of accidents 4. To reduce labors turnover 5. To increasew job satisfaction displaying itself in lower labor turn – over and less absenteeism 6. To increase efficiency
ADVANTAGES OF TRAINING 1. Leads to improve profitability and/or more positive attitudes toward