Things to keep in mind when working on this project:
1. Your travel brochure will need to include written descriptions as well as illustrations of the period/era.
2. Your brochure must be accurate. For instance, T-Rex did not evolve until the Cretaceous Period. It should not be included in a brochure for the Jurassic Period even if it does look very cool.
3. Your brochure should be fun as well as interesting. Remember you want to actually make people want to travel back to your time period.
4. You can copy pictures from the internet but make sure they are accurate and of the correct animal.
5. Part of your grade will include a presentation of your brochure to the class.
6. Your travel brochure worksheet must be included with your final project.
Travel Brochure Worksheet
Name(s) ________Jake Bristol_________________________________
As you conduct your research on the geologic time period you have chosen you should use this worksheet to help you organize your ideas. If you need more space use another sheet of paper. Do not lose this sheet as it must be turned in with your brochure.
1. Which geologic time period am I researching? __________cretaceous___________________
2. What are the major geological events of this time period (ie: volcanoes, plate locations, earthquakes, etc.)? _____________________________________________________________________
3. What did the earth’s surface look like then?