MKT 301
Winter 2012
Module 1, Case Assignment
High Involvement: Infinity FX35; Low Involvement: Starbucks Coffee
Explain why the first product you chose was a High Involvement purchase and why the second was a Low Involvement purchase.
Describe in detail the process you went through in buying each product. Bear in mind that the purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate the depth of your understanding of the teaching materials.
Identify and discuss the differences between the ways you went through the purchase decision processes for the two products.
Explain how you might use your understanding of the Model of Consumer Buying Behavior for the two products.
High Involvement vs Low Involvement Purchases
The purchase of anything is based on the consumer background, lifestyle, and comfort in which is a routine action or something that requires attention. This is generally tied to currency and risk.
High Involvement: My recent high involvement purchase was an Infinity FX35. This purchase was a $57000 automobile that required effort and thought to purchase. This vehicle also represents an impact to my debt to income ratio and required a nominal loan that would influence my monthly cash flow over a period of time. High involvement purchase here is linked to high cost, my expression of status and ego. This was also an emotional purchase as I chose to purchase a product that fit my culture, my personal expectations of status and the immediate purchasing power that this represents. I know that a new car would represent a 40% loss of equity within a three year period but this represents a decision that was based on an acceptable level of risk. Recognizing the need for a new car that fit my wants, doing research and test driving multiple vehicles in this class, buying and evaluating post purchase are all solid steps in the purchase decision process (PDP). Actual branding of a luxury sport crossover played the most significant role in