Appendix F
Type I and Type II Diabetes
What are the differences between Type I and Type II diabetes? By completing this chart, you will create an easy-to-read reference that will help you understand how the two forms of diabetes mellitus differ. Use Ch. 13 of the text in addition to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Web site at to find details about the two types of diabetes.
Diabetes Mellitus Matrix
|Form of Diabetes |Age of Onset |Defects in Insulin & Effects on Glucose |Risk Factors |Prevention & Treatment |
| | |Metabolism | | |
|Type I: Insulin-dependent diabetes |Normally it’s |For example: What’s gone wrong with insulin | For some it runs in the family a parent | There is no way to actually prevent type|
|mellitus (IDDM) |discovered in |production and how does that affect the |may have it or brother or sister. Traveling |1 diabetes, but it’s important to look out |
| |kids or young |body’s ability to fuel itself with glucose |may be a risk for some, or exposure to |for symptoms such as using the bathroom more |
| |adults Type 1 is |(blood sugar)? |diseases such as mumps or if a person doesn’t|than usual, if you are always thirsty and it |
| |thought of as a | |have enough vitamin D, because vitamin D has |doesn’t seem to go away, or sudden weight |
| |juvenile |The body does not make enough insulin or
References: Axia University of Phoenix, HCA/240 chapter 13,,,