Name: Pamela Coomber
|Performance Evidence |Unit |Element |Criteria |
| | | | |
|Aims |205 |3 |3.1a |
|It is likely that the school’s aims or visions will be in the prospectus and in other school literature. They will | | | |
|usually be set by the head teacher in collaboration with parents, staff and the community, and will state what the | | | |
|school set to achieve. | | | |
| | | | |
|Values | | | |
|The Values of the school are based on the moral code which will inform its development. Core values are at the heart of| | |3.1b |
|many communities and belief systems. Although there may be some differences in the way in which people view them, they | | | |
|will usually include respect for self and others and are related closely to Personal, Social, Health Economic education| | | |
|(PSHE) and citizenship education. They may also be tied in with the school rules. If the school is a church school, | | | |