Education is important to me because it is the key to freedom, key to having a better world, and the key to enlightening oneself. Education brings freedom to any individual mind who is trap from the cruel circumstances a person faces. The best example is Fredrick Douglas who used education to escape slavery. Education can make the world a better place to live in, which it can bring an end to poverty, end to racism, end of wars, and end life threating diseases. Finally but yet importantly, education can enlighten a person from creating new ideas or inventions the world has never seen before.…
Education is important because it helps shape people's perspectives on life. Having an education population also leads to bigger development. Being informed gives people the knowledge that is…
Education is extremely important. Without education, we would not have the technology that we have today. If we keep learning, maybe in the future someone will come up with a cure for cancer. We cannot forget about education or we will not be able to advance technology. If we did not have education, then we would not have doctors, lawyers, nurses, and many other important jobs.…
Education is one of the most important things that a person needs. Because it meets all the basic needs that seek behind, and education is a lighthouse that guides people to the right way they will walk in this life. In addition to that education is the cause of emergence, advancement and superiority. The state that maintains its educational system is the state that excels in all fields, at all levels, whether social, cultural, economic or in all other fields. This is why education is necessary for any country seeking behind the well-being of its people and its growth.…
Education is the basis for society, whether it be basic a high school diploma or a specialized PhD. Without education we would still be at the same level as the Neanderthals before us.…
Education is a very powerful tool in the toolbox of life. According to Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” All of the knowledge that you will gain is remarkable. Now a high school diploma is nothing and it will get you the lowest paid worse jobs ever. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life.…
Education is very important, it let people to study political, economy, science and technology so that have a good life. In China, there is an old saying, through studying you will gain success and fortunes will follow. Reading brings us everything. If we want to learn a lot of things, we…
Education brings change in the behavior of individual in a desirable manner. It aims at all round development of an individual to become mature, self sufficient, intellectually, culturally refined, socially efficient and spiritually advanced.…
Education is a strong weapon that we use daily. The power of education is essential for our development skills, we need education to support our families with good jobs and a good life. Education starts at home, when mom and dad teach their son to walk and how-to day his name. No one born knowing things, people teach things, habits, experiences, etc. Education starts at home, learning how to respect and love mom and dad, and how to love God.…
It helps us to interrupt things rightly and apply it in real life. It doesn’t mean that education is only limited to a lesson that we were taught in college, but education can also be obtained from lessons taught by life. Only with education can a person gain the knowledge at hand. Apart from that, we can build good manners through education. Education helps build a person character which can make a person to be more civilized and mature.…
Let’s first begin with education is important because the knowledge you can gain are limitless. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life.…
Basically education is the most important to all human beings. Every activities has a background foundation in education. It gives opportunities to each human being to achieve their fullest personal, spiritual, mental, social, and physical potentials. The capacity of being educated is what therefore differentiate human being from animals. Education also changes an individual and allows her to effect change in her environment.…
Education is a means for increasing knowledge. A popular slogan is “Knowledge is power.” This is a true statement. Knowledge empowers people to become leaders, to be more productive, and to become the teachers of others. It allows for the acquisition of knowledge at a speed that surpasses relying on experience for knowledge.…
Soon the creation of schools became more structured and systematized, and was adapted into practice around the world.…
Education is essential to everyone. It is through education that helps people earn respect and recognition. It is indispensable part of life both personally and socially, benefitting the society and his being as well. Providing quality education produces globally competitive individuals who can cope up with the innovations of the world. Every child should be given equal opportunities to learn and study. Because the development of a country depends vastly on the standard of education.…