
Unique Design

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When looking toward our life calling, we must look at what makes us different or sets us apart from everyone else, what make us unique. Bill Millard says: “Unique design is the most fundamental place to look when seeking to discern the unique nature of this calling as it applies to us as individuals.” Unique Design is comprised of our strengths, passions, and experiences. Physical Strengths is defined in the book as “the capacity of our lives that gives our body distinct features and enables us to perform actions with our body.” When most people hear physical strengths, the initial thought is lifting of weights, but physical strengths are much more than that. In Chapter 6 of the Life Calling book all of the physical strengths are outlined: …show more content…

(Millard 114-6)
Through the Activity Supplement 6.1 and 6.2, I identified where throughout my life these physical strengths have shown through, some more than others. After going through these activities, I have narrowed it down to my three strongest physical strengths: Music, Oratory, and Muscular Strength.
Since a young age I have always been very active in Music, in church and in school. I started Choir at school in 4th grade and musicals at church even younger than that. Still to this day I am in musicals at school, and sing on the worship team at church.
Another strength that I have exhibited since a young age is oratory. Every single report card from elementary school says that I talked too much. This is less true today, but I do use speaking in a more developed manner now. Apart of theatre is speaking, and since freshman year I have been developing how I speak to others so that it is easily understood and the purpose behind what I am saying is being received by the audience. Outside of theater, I speak in my youth group. This is a fairly new development of this strength as God has just in the past year been equipping me to do

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