Brute Force, Artistry, Music, Mechanics, Craftsmanship, Oratory, Kinesthetics, and Physical Appearance.
Brute Force (Muscular Strength): The muscular ability that enables people to excel at lifting great weights or exerting great pressure
Artistry: Bodily dexterity that enables a person to arrange colors, forms, materials, or other elements in a manner that effects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of beautiful in some sort of manifestation. Music: The use of the body to produce or manipulate sounds and or rhythms.
Mechanics: The use of the body to manipulate physical objects and machinery to accomplish tasks.
Craftsmanship: Bodily dexterity that enables a person to work effectively with the hands or other parts of the boy to create exquisite objects.
Oratory: The use of the spoken voice to produce captivating tones and clear articulation.
Kinesthetics: The coordination and control of bodily positions, weight, muscle, or movement to achieve desired outcomes.
Physical Appearance: The features of a person’s body that we often refer to as good looks.
(Millard 114-6)
Through the Activity Supplement 6.1 and 6.2, I identified where throughout my life these physical strengths have shown through, some more than others. After going through these activities, I have narrowed it down to my three strongest physical strengths: Music, Oratory, and Muscular Strength.
Since a young age I have always been very active in Music, in church and in school. I started Choir at school in 4th grade and musicals at church even younger than that. Still to this day I am in musicals at school, and sing on the worship team at church.
Another strength that I have exhibited since a young age is oratory. Every single report card from elementary school says that I talked too much. This is less true today, but I do use speaking in a more developed manner now. Apart of theatre is speaking, and since freshman year I have been developing how I speak to others so that it is easily understood and the purpose behind what I am saying is being received by the audience. Outside of theater, I speak in my youth group. This is a fairly new development of this strength as God has just in the past year been equipping me to do
The last of my (strong) physical strengths is Muscular Strength. As a child I was not especially know for being strong because I was tall, lanky, and quite clumsy, but some of those things have changed as I have grown. I am still tall, less lanky, and yet still clumsy, although I am fairly strong for female. I would not stand out amongst a group for being the strongest or fastest, but I can do my part.