Outcome 1 Understand the importance of differentiating between the individual and disability
Explain why it is important to recognise and value an individual as a person
It is important because they deserve as much value and respect as anyone else just because they have disabilities doesn’t mean they should treated as an outsider. If you don’t value them you risk the individual becoming redrawn, lacking confidence and upset.
Describe the importance of recognising an individual’s strengths and abilities.
It’s important because it able you to promote their independence and gives them confidence, also where to use the strengths to help build and gain new strengths and abilities. Helps to recognise what methods or ways are best suited to help that person.
Describe how to work in a person centred way that fully involves the individual
Making sure you involve the individual in everything you do for the person ensuring the work you do bests suits the individual. Finding out likes, dislikes, finding out about their past history, so you able to make a care plan which suits the individual best.
Outcome 2 Understand the concept of physical disability
Describe what is meant by physical disability
Physical disability is an impairment/ amputation of any limbs, also physical disability include impairments which function facets daily living.
Describe what a congenital disability is
A congenital disability is present at birth, but may get more recognisable when the child gets older. Congenital disability could also get passed down the gens.
Give examples of congenital disability and their causes.
Spina Bifida- caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube. A lack of foltic acid in a diet can cause cellular neural tube deformities.
Brain damage- If the mother is a heavy drinker can cause the unborn brain damage.
Describe what a progressive disability is
A progressive disability is expected to worsen over time, it could also cause other