Vaccines were invented in 1796 by Edward Jenner. It was more primitive than what we are used to today. In 1796 smallpox was still a big problem and Jenner noticed that milkmaids infected with the cowpox virus were immune to the smallpox virus as their body had already been familiar to the less potent virus and was able to fight the stronger virus with ease. So he decided to take infected pus of a milkmaid with the cowpox virus and give it to a eight year old boy to see if he would be immune to the smallpox virus. Sure enough when brought into a room with the smallpox virus he had not caught it and Jenner knew he made a breakthrough. However there has been turbulence when vaccines were newly being made, for example if they use a weaker live virus but not make it weak enough the person infected could catch the virus and become sick. …show more content…
Vaccines are a major hallmark in modern medicine however in pop culture it is portrayed in a evil way.
One example of this is the myth that vaccines can cause autism, this how ever is untrue as there is no scientific evidence that vaccines and autism have any links. Also people say it's unnatural and that it's not needed but its proven that vaccines are nothing but helpful. There would be a lot more unneeded deaths if vaccines were not invented and they impact the world