First we have to understand the basic, what is communication? “Communication is a transfer of meaning from one person or group to another. It focuses on the nature of meaning and ways to maintain the integrity of meaning through the process of dissemination and reception of the message.” (Unkown, n.d.) Communication is not just how well you give a message but also how well you can receive a message. A great example is the activity telephone. It is where you have a group of people in a row and you try to pass a message down the line to see if to can make it through the line. If down correctly the message should be sent and received correctly to where it is the same message from start to finish. If you have ever done this activity in a group setting it more than never makes it to the end with the same message. Where along the line does our communication breakdown in the process. I think first humans need to understand the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication, the two types of communication we see daily.
Verbal communication is vocal category, the spoken language. This is where you are directly talking with someone vocally. Most communication done by humans is verbal communication, it is done by phone, texting, Skype, etc. Examples of verbal communication include but not limited to meetings, lectures, team building, and playing on sports teams.
What is
Cited: (n.d.). Retrieved from Dictionary: Carpenter, D. J. (n.d.). Non-Verbal Communication: Key to Understanding Others an Communicating Effectively. Retrieved from Mehrabian, A. (n.d.). Decoding of Inconsistent Communication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109-114. Mehrabian, A. (n.d.). Inference of Attitudes from Nonverbal Communication in Two Channels. Journal of Cousulting Psychology , 248-252. Unkown. (n.d.). Verbal and Nonverbal Communication. Retrieved from